Legal mentions

SIRET N° 528 398 738 00021

Responsable of publication: Diane FURT
address : 22 rue Clement Ader 33000 Bordeaux
Telephone : +336 33 93 44 46

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Website development by Plou (

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The website ensures its users the confidentiality of the personal information they provide on the contact form. These information are not to be sold or given to any third party. Accordingly to the provisions of articles 38 to 40 of the « loi Informatique et Libertés » n°78-17 of the 6th of janvier 1978, you are entitled to a right of opposition, access, modification, rectification and withdrawal of any of your personal data. The implementation of this right is possible simply through email.

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For your multiple apartments and personalized booking request, contact us on +33(0)6 33 93 44 46 or by mail on